Children of God - The Book

(beautifullives) #1

Abba Father (Papa, Daddy). Now we are children by blood, the blood of Jesus
Christ, and by the Holy Spirit of God.

When Jesus was to be born of Mary as a human being, it was the Holy Spirit of
God who overshadowed Mary and she became pregnant. In the Christian’s new
birth, it is also the Holy Spirit who transforms us into God’s children in the
heavenly genetics, and no longer just people of God, or just disconnected children
of God (John 1:12- 13 & 2 Thessalonians 2:13).

Something else happens when we give our lives to Christ: The blood of Jesus
Christ washes over us and all our sins are forgiven. We are new, pure, holy
creatures in the order of Jesus Christ, no longer the order of Adam. Our sonship is
no longer just through Adam, but now also through Jesus. We are set free from
whatever bondage we have been under, we are redeemed from whichever other
master had claimed us, and as the Bible says, we are free indeed. Free to love and
serve God as His children, His sons and daughters. The freedom is real, born again
Christians experience a real tangible release that floods them with joy and reality
of God’s love at the point of salvation.

The Bible talks of the Water of regeneration, which speaks to the Word of God, the
Holy Spirit, and Christ, who is the River of Life, the living water (Titus 3:5). All
this spiritual mystery, and the blood of Christ, wash over the spiritual man and
we are instantly born into God’s family, into His kingdom. Romans 8:11 says the
Spirit also gives life to our mortal bodies.

Step Three Process

Step three is simply a logical continuation of step two, a spiritual progression in
our relationship with God. Once a child is born, it is expected to grow. If well fed
with the right nutrients, and trained in the right ways, the child will grow in both
stature and intellect. The child will become bigger and wiser. The Bible says of
Jesus in Luke 2:52 (New International Version), ‘ And Jesus grew in wisdom and
stature, and in favour with God and man’
. It also says of Samuel, ‘ And the boy Samuel
continued to grow in stature and in favour with the Lord and with people’ (1 Samuel 2:26)
and of John the Baptist, ‘ And the child grew and became strong in spirit...’ (Luke 1:80).

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