Posing for Portrait Photography

(Martin Jones) #1

a computer station and tell them to fix it. When they were still try-
ing to make the area of the problem look natural an hour later, I
would ask if we could “fix anything” or not. Time is money. As a
rule of thumb, you shouldn’t fix anything with digital that you did-
n’t use artwork from your outside lab to fix when you shot with film.
As more photographers change from film to digital, I think we
will see a rise in studios going out of business, as well as a rise in the
divorce rate. Photographers are getting so excited about what can
be done, they don’t stop and think if it shouldbe done. As a result,
they are investing much more time than they did with film, without
generating any additional profit to pay for it.
Problems with posing need to be dealt with at the shoot, not
fixed later. Your client needs to know how to dress to look their best


To learn how to pose arms effectively, spend
some time observing people and notice how
they naturally hold their arms.

Problems with posing need

to be dealt with at the shoot,

not fixed later.
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