Posing for Portrait Photography

(Martin Jones) #1

Unusual Poses.

Another problem that photographers have is overcoming the fear of
posing clients in a way that may seem unusual to the person. In this
pose of a senior and her mom (below), the two seemed very close.
As I watched them during the session, I noticed that they seemed to
have a lot of fun with each other. In the last pose, the senior want-
ed to include her mom. We placed Mom in the grass and had her
daughter sit on mom’s bottom leaning forward to rest on her shoul-
ders. They loved it and used it for Christmas gifts for the entire fam-
ily. It captured something I saw between them, while making them
both look terrific.
I will be the first to tell you, when I asked the mother to lay
down on her stomach, on the side of this hill, I received a puzzled
look, but she did it because she believed in me as a professional.
Most clients will do almost anything you ask them to if they believe


I received a puzzled look when I asked for this
unusual pose, but the subjects went along
with it because they trusted me as a profes-
sional. The result was an image of this close
mom and daughter that they loved and used
as Christmas gifts for the whole family.

I noticed that they seemed to have

a lot of fun with each other.
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