
(Darren Dugan) #1

Chapter 7 • Portfolio theory and its relevance to real investment decisions

with negatively correlated securities. In fact there is a combination* of A and B that has
no risk when the correlation coefficient is assumed to be −1. In reality such perfectly
negativelycorrelated securities would be impossible to find. Their existence would
imply that it would be possible to form portfolios possessing no risk at all, which is
not likely to be the case. It is probably equally unlikely that securities whose expected
returns are perfectly positivelycorrelated exist in the real world. If they did, forming

Figure 7.3
The risk /return
profiles of portfolios
of securities A and
B, assuming a 0.5
positive correlation

By combining securities A and B into a portfolio, risk is reduced because the two securities
have a correlation coefficient of less than +1.0.

* This is discoverable by finding the minimum value for σPby means of differential calculus. Writing
αBas 1 −αA, we get:
σ^2 P=α^2 Aσ^2 A+(1 −αA)^2 σ^2 B+ 2 αA(1 −αA)RσAσB
Differentiating with respect to αAgives:

= 2 αAσ^2 A+ 2 αAσ^2 B− 2 σ^2 B+ 2 RσAσB− 4 αARσAσB

Setting this equal to zero and putting in the actual values for σAand σBand assuming R =−1, we get:
(2αA×100) +(2αA×144) −(2 ×144) −(2 × 10 ×12) +(4αA×120)= 0
200 αA+ 288 αA+ 480 αA= 288 + 240

  • that is, about 55 per cent security A and 45 per cent security B


dσ^2 P
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