
(Darren Dugan) #1

Chapter 7 • Portfolio theory and its relevance to real investment decisions

9.3 Capital market efficiency

The line rfSin Figure 7.7 is known as the capital market line(CML). The CML defines
the relationship between risk and return for efficient portfolios of risky securities.
Note that this line will shift up and down, closer to or further from the horizontal, as
interest rates (and, therefore, the risk-free rate) change over time.
We can see from Figure 7.7 that the expected return available to an investor is:

rf+Risk premium

The amount of the risk premium is dependent on how much of the investment is in
the portfolio of risky securities.

7.5 Capital asset pricing model

The CML defines the risk/return trade-off for efficient portfolios. What is probably of
more interest and, theoretically, of value to us is the relationship between expected
return and risk for individual securities. In fact, this is:

E(ri) =rf+[E(rm) −rf]

where E(ri)is the expected return from i, a particular individual security, rfis the
risk-free borrowing/lending rate, E(rm)the expected return on the market portfolio,
Cov(i, M) the covarianceof returns of security iwith those of the market portfolio,
and σm^2 the variance (square of the standard deviation) of the market returns.
This statement, known as the capital asset pricing model(CAPM), can be derived
directly from what is known about the CML. (The appendix to this chapter gives the

Appendix: Derivation of CAPM

Note that, in using CAPM to discover the expected return for any particular
security i, we use only one factor that refers specifically to i. This is Cov(i,M). All of
the other factors [E(rm), rfand σ^2 m] are general to all securities. The only factor that
distinguishes the expected returns of one security from those of another is the extent
to which the expected returns from the particular security co-vary with the expected
returns from the market portfolio.
This ties in pretty well with what we have discovered so far about specific and
systematic risk. We know that specific risk can easily be avoided; it is not therefore
surprising to find that, in theory at least, the returns that we expect to get from a
particular security bear no relation to specific risk. Even though higher risk usually
engenders higher expectations of returns, it is entirely theoretically logical that some-
one who is needlessly exposed to specific risk should not expect higher return.
CAPM tells us that, in theory, expectations of returns will be enhanced by the extent
of the covariance of expected returns from the particular security with those of the
market portfolio. Again this ties in with what we already know in that systematic risk,
which the investor is forced to bear, relates to factors that tend to affect all securities.
The greater their effect on a particular security, the greater the systematic risk, and log-
ically, the greater the returns expected from that security. It is not surprising that
covariance with the generality of securities is a measure of systematic risk.

Cov (i, M)
σ^2 m

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