An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

254 Notes

  1. See Zacks, Pirate Coast; and Boot, Savage Wars of Peace, 3-29.

  2. Blackhawk, Violence over the Land, 14 5-75.

  3. Pike, Expeditions of Zebulon Montgomery Pike. Coues, Pike's editor,
    characterized the expedition's straying into Spanish territory and his arrest
    as "a particular accident of a general design" (499). See also Owsley and
    Smith, Filibusters and Expansionists.

  4. See Unrau, Indians, Alcohol, and the Roads to Taos and Santa Fe.

  5. Pike, Expeditions, 499; Blackhawk, Violence over the Land, 11 7.
    IO. See Weber, Taos Trappers.

  6. Dunbar-Ortiz, Roots of Resistance, 80; see also Hall, Laws of Mexico.

  7. See Sides, Blood and Thunder, 92-I01; Chaffin, Pathfinder, 33-35.

  8. Holton, Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution, 14.

  9. Lamar, Far Southwest, 7-10.

  10. See Vlasich, Pueblo Indian Agriculture.

  11. See Sando and Agoyo, Po'Pay; Wilcox, Pueblo Revolt and the Mythology
    of Conquest; Dunbar-Ortiz, Roots of Resistance, 31 -45; Carter, Indian
    Alliances and the Spanish in the Southwest.

  12. Anderson, Conquest of Texas, 4, 18 -29. See also "4th Largest Tribe in
    US? Mexicans Who Call Themselves American Indian," Indian Country
    Today, August 5, 2013 , (ac­
    cessed September 27, 2013).

  13. Anderson, Conquest of Texas, 18 -29. For a fascinating and historically ac­
    curate fictional account of Texas's independence from Mexico, see Russell,
    Escape from Texas.

  14. See Anderson, Conquest of Texas. For the Texas Rangers' continuation of
    their counterinsurgent role in the twentieth century, see Johnson, Revolu­
    tion in Texas; Harris and Sadler, Texas Rangers and the Mexican Revo­

  15. Tinker, Missionary Conquest, 42.

  16. For documentation of California Indian resistance, see Jackson and Cas­
    tillo, Indians, Franciscans, and Spanish Colonization, 73-86.

  17. Murguia, Medicine of Memory, 40-41.

  18. See Heizer, Destruction of California Indians. See also Cook, Population
    of the California Indians.

  19. See Johannsen, To the Halls of the Montezumas.

  20. See Kiser, Dragoons in Apache/and.


Epigraph: Ortiz, from Sand Creek, 20.

  1. "Selected Statistics on Slavery in the United States," Causes of the Civil War, (accessed December IO, 2013).

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