An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

256 Notes

  1. Sherman to Grant, May 28, 186 7, quoted in Fellman, Citizen Sherman,

  2. Sherman to Herbert A. Preston, April 17 , 18 73 , quoted in Marszalek, Sher-
    man, 379.

  3. See Utley, Cavalier in Buckskin, 57 -1 03.
    27. See Hahn, Nation under Our Feet.

  4. See Enloe, Ethnic Soldiers.

  5. Stanford L. Davis, "Buffalo Soldiers & Indian Wars,", (accessed September 30, 201 3).

  6. ]ace Weaver, "A Lantern to See By," 31 5; see also Enloe, Ethnic Soldiers.

  7. Bob Marley, "Buffalo Soldier," by Bob Marley and Noel G. Williams, re-
    corded 1980, on Confrontation, Island Records, 90085-1, 1983.

  8. See Wolfe, "Settler Colonialism and the Elimination of the Native."

  9. Sandoz, Cheyenne Autumn.
    34. See Williams, Empire as a Way of Life.

  10. Child, Boarding School Seasons; also see Christine Lesiak, director, "In
    the White Man's Image," The American Experience, season four, episode
    twelve (PBS, 1992).

  11. Deloria, Custer Died for Your Sins.

  12. From Deloria, Speaking of Indians, quoted in Nabokov, Native American
    Testimony, 253-55.

  13. See Brown, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee; Coleman, Voices of
    Wounded Knee.

  14. L. F. Baum, "Editorials on the Sioux Nation," University of Oxford His­
    tory of Science, Medicine, and Technology website, http://hsmt.history.

  15. Quoted in Vizenor, Native Liberty, 143- 44.

  16. Quoted in Utley, "The Ordeal of Plenty Horses," 16.

  17. Deloria, Indians in Unexpected Places, 28.

  18. Ibid., 35 -36.

  19. From New Directions in Indian Purpose, quoted in Nabokov, Native
    American Testimony, 421.
    4 5. See Chang, Color of the Land. For well-documented details on widespread
    corruption involved in using allotment to dispose of the lands of the Native
    nations and individual Indian allotment holders in Oklahoma, see Debo,
    ·And Still the Waters Run.

  20. From Deloria, Speaking of Indians, quoted in Nabokov, Native American
    Testimony, 249.

  21. Stone, "Report on the Court of Private Land Claims."

  22. "United States v. Sandoval," 28. See also Dunbar-Ortiz, Roots of Resis­
    tance, 11 4-18.

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