An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1


Epigraph I: Theodore Roosevelt, "The Expansion of the White Races," address
at the Methodist Episcopal Church, Washington, DC, January I8, I909, in
"Two Essays by Theodore Roosevelt," Modern American Poetry, English
Department, University of Illinois,
poets/a_f/espada/roosevelt.htm (accessed December 10, 20I3), from Roo­
sevelt, American Problems. See also The Works of Theodore Roosevelt,
memorial ed., North American Review I5 (I890).
Epigraph 2: Brown, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, 4I9. See also Black Elk
and Neihardt, Black Elk Speaks.

  1. Williams, Empire as a Way of Life, 73-76, 102-10. Marshall Islands re­
    gained full sovereignty in I986.

  2. See Kinzer, Overthrow.

  3. For photographs and documents, see Arnaldo Dumindin, Philippine­
    American War, 1899 -1902, (ac­
    cessed October I, 20I3).

  4. Kaplan, Imperial Grunts, I38. On early US imperialism overseas, see Im­
    merman, Empire for Liberty; Zacks, Pirate Coast.

  5. From Condition of the Indian Tribes, quoted in Nabokov, Native Ameri­
    can Testimony, I94-95.

  6. Silbey, War of Frontier and Empire, 2II.

  7. Williams, "United States Indian Policy and the Debate over Philippine An­

  8. See Kuzmarov, Modernizing Repression.

  9. See Womack and Dunbar-Ortiz, "Dreams of Revolution: Oklahoma,
    IO. See Eisenhower, Intervention!
    II. Miner, Corporation and the Indian, xi.
    I2. Ibid., xiv.
    I3. Ibid., IO.
    I4. Ibid., I9·
    I5. From "Address of Robert Spott," Commonwealth 2I, no. 3 (I926), quoted
    in Nabokov, Native American Testimony, 3I5-I6.
    I6. See Ifill, On the Courthouse Lawn.
    I7. McGerr, Fierce Discontent, 305.
    I8. See Philip, john Collier's Crusade for Indian Reform; Kelly, Assault on
    I9. Blackman, Oklahoma's Indian New Deal.

  10. Aberle, Peyote Religion Among the Navaho, 53.

  11. See Lamphere, To Run After Them.

  12. Navajo Community College, Navajo Livestock Reduction, 47.

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