An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

294 Index

California, 130 ; of Cherokees,
88 -89; of Chickamaugas, 89; of
Dakota Sioux, 136 ; in Illinois and
Indiana Territories, 87; of Lakotas,
I 5 5; of Muskogees, 99; of Navajos,
13 9; of Pequots, 63; of Sauks, III;
Sherman on, 156 ; in Tidewater
War, 61; of Yuroks, 169
Stegner, Wallace, 105
Stone, Oliver, 228
Struck By the Ree, 16 4-6 5
Sun Dance, 21, 189
Sun Elk, 212
Survival of American Indians Associa­
tion, 182
Susquehannock people, 61

Tainos, 23
Taos Blue Lake, 17 9-80, 258 n5
Taos Pueblo, 212 ; and Carlisle Indian
Industrial School, 212 ; early history
of, 22; sacred lands of, 17 9-80,
258 n5; US trading with, 171
Tatanka Yotanka (Sitting Bull),
151 - 52 , 15 4
Tecumseh, 72 , 84-87,93, 98 , 1 44
Tennessee, formation of, 87 -9 0
Tenochtitlan, 19
Tenskwatawa, 72, 84 -85, 86
Teotihuacan, 19
Tepanec people, 19
terminal narratives, 39 -4 2
Termination Act (1953), 173-74, 175
termination policy, 10 , 12, 190, 191
terra nullius, 2, 230-3 1
Texas: Indigenous peoples of, 12 6;
land grants in, 123, 12 6-27; repub­
lic of, 12 7; Spanish control of,
125 -26; statehood of, 12 3-24, 127
Texas Rangers, 12 7, 130- 31 , 15 0
Texcoco, 19
Thlopthlocco, 158 -59
Tidewater War (1644-46), 61

Tippecanoe, "battle" of, 86
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 113 -14
Tohono O'odam Nation, 126
Toltec civilization, 19
torture: return of legalized, 222 -24
total war: against Apaches, 132 , 138;
against Cherokee Nation, 75, 89;
during Civil War, 94; and future
of United States, 218 ; against
Muskogee Nation, 93; against
Navajos, 13 8; in Ohio Country,
81 -83; in Philippines, 16 6; against
Plains Indians, 13 9; under William
T. Sherman, 14 4-45; in Virginia
Country, 61; during war of inde­
pendence, 76, 77; in West, 14 4-46,
14 9; after World War II, 12
trade routes, 41
trading: by Aztecs, 20-21; in Mexico,
12 1-22
trading posts, 144
The Trail of Broken Treaties, I 8 5
Trail of Tears, 112 -14
treaties, 25 5m9; with Confederacy,
135 ; for fishing rights, 18 1-82; halt
in making of, 142 ; honoring of,
20 2-3, 236; and Indian Appropria­
tion Act, 142 ; and Indian Claims
Commission, 17 4; and Indian
Self-Determination Act, 209; of
Indians of All Tribes, 18 3-84; and
Indigenous governance, 25-26; in
Jacksonian period, 1 u-12; and
land grabs, 140 -41, 173, 205-6;
and narrative of dysfunction, 211;
number of, 142 ; and reservations,
u; with Sioux Nation, 186 -91;
Trail of Broken, 185; UN investiga­
tion of, 20 5; after war of indepen­
dence, 79-80
Treaty of Fort Jackson (I 81 4),
Treaty of Fort Wayne (I 809 ), 8 5
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