An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1
Treaty of Greenville (1795), 83
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848),
123, 150
Treaty of Holston (1791), 89
Treaty of Hopewell (1785), 88
Treaty of Paris (1763 ), 70, 78
Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), 42, 199
treaty rights, 10 , 207-8
"tribal governments," 171, 190
Triple Alliance, 20
Truman, Harry S., 173
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 8, 179
"Turner Thesis," 179
turquoise in Aztec civilization, 20-21,
"20-Point Position Paper," 185

Ulster-Scots, 51 -54, 24 8nr7
Unassigned Lands, 15 8
Union Army, Indigenous soldiers in,
13 5-3 6
Unitarian Universalist Association
(UUA), 200- 201
United Nations (UN): Convention
on the Prevention and Punish­
ment of the Crime of Genocide,
8; Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples, l 8 5, 204,
26on21; International Day of the
World's Indigenous Peoples, 198;
Permanent Forum on Indigenous
Issues, 200, 26on21; proposals for
Quincentennial year to, 197 -98;
Study on Treaties, 20 5; Working
Group on Indigenous Populations,
United Provinces of Central America,
United States v. Sioux Nation of Indi­
ans (1980), 207
Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (1948), 175, 204
"unlawful combatants," 151 , 222-23

Index 295

urban industrial areas, relocation to,
US Army: and Apaches, 13 1-32; and
Bozeman Trail, 145; in California,
130 ; during Civil War, 13 3-34;
departments of, 1 3 3; destruction of
Prophet's Town by, 86 ; formation
of, 80, 82 ; and gold rush, 12 9; and
Indian Removal Act, 1 l 2; invasion
of Mexico by, 12 3; and irregular
warfare, 59, 220; and Modocs,
223; in Philippines, 16 6; and Sioux
Nation, 188, 191; Special Opera­
tions Command of, 22 1-22; in
war "to win the West," 14 4, 149;
Winchester rifle use by, 2 34
US Constitution: Great Law of Peace
and, 26, 24 6nr4; mention of Indig­
enous nations in, 79-80; veneration
of, 50
US military bases, 22 5-26
UUA (Unitarian Universalist Associa­
tion), 200- 201

Vatican, and Quincentennial year,

(^197) - 98
VAWA (Violence Against Women Act,
1994), 214
Venne,Sharon, 203
Vietnam War era, 17 9-91; counter­
insurgency in, 17 6-77, 17 9, 192 -
93; self-determination movement
during, 18 1-86; Taos Pueblo in,
17 9-80; Wounded Knee in, 186 -9 1
Villa, Francisco "Pancho," 167
Vine, David, 225
violence: in irregular warfare, 57 -60;
against Miamis, 82; militariza­
tion and, 22 7; against Muskogee
Nation, 91; in Ohio Country, 71,
73; settler colonialism and, 8;
sexual, 214, 262 n32. See also civil­
ian attacks

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