An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Ortiz

(darsice) #1

296 Index

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA,
I994), 2I4
Virginia Colony, 60-6 2
Virginia Tech killings, I 9 5
Vizenor, Gerald, I97, 216 -I 7
Volunteer Army of the Pacific, I38

Wahunsonacock, 60
Wakapuchasee (Cowkeeper), IOI
Wampanoag people, 64
warfare: colonial, 57 -60; and colonial
expansion, 65 -66; in French and
Indian War, 67-7I; against Haude­
nosaunee, 76 -77; in New England
colony, 62 -64; in Ohio Country,
7I-74; and scalping, 64-65; in
Virginia colony, 60-62; in war of
independence, 74-76; "wilderness,"

  1. See also irregular warfare
    War on Poverty, I82, 208-9
    Warren, Dave, I76
    Washington, George: and Cherokee
    Nation, 88; on "foreign entangle­
    ments," I2Ij and Haudenosaunee,
    77; as hero, Io7; and Ohio Coun­
    try, BI, 82 ; and US Army, Bo; and
    US colonization, 93
    Watie, Stand, I35
    Wayne, "Mad" Anthony, 82 -83, 86
    WCU (Working Class Union), I66
    wealth accumulation, 43- 44
    Weaver, Jace, I48
    Wells, William, 83, 87

West, war to win, I44-4 6
westerns, 2 I 8
Weyapiersenwah (Blue Jacket), 8 I,
White Earth Nation, 216 -17
white supremacy, 36 -3 9
Whitman, Walt, u7-I8, I30- 31 ,
25 3n2
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 13 o, I 3 I
Wilcox, Michael V., 42
Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 252 -53m9
wilderness, myth of pristine, 45 -4 7
"wilderness warfare," 64
Williams, Robert A., 3- 4
Wilson, Richard, I86
Winchester, Sarah L., 23 4-3 5
witchcraft, 35 -3 6
Witt, Shirley Hill, IBI
Wolfe, Patrick, 2, IO
Wolford, Phillip, I94-9 5
women: in Indigenous governance,
27; violence against, 2I4,
262 n3 2
Working Class Union (WCU), I6 6
Wounded Knee Massacre (I890), 93,
I55-57, I62
Wounded Knee siege (I 973 ), I86-9I,
Wovoka, I53

Yankton Sioux Reservation, I64-6 5
Yoo, John C., 222 -23
Yurok Nation, I69-70
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