Signals and Systems - Electrical Engineering

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2.3 LTI Continuous-Time Systems 125

be a line through the origin, its slopeAis very large. If|vd(t)|> 1Vthe output voltage is a constant
Vsat. That is, the gain of the amplifier saturates. Furthermore, the input resistance of the op-amp is
large so that the currents into the negative and the positive terminals are very small. The op-amp
output resistance is relatively small.
Thus, depending on the dynamic range of the input signals, the op-amp operates in either alinear
region or anonlinearregion. Restricting the operational amplifier to operate in the linear region sim-
plifies the model. Assuming thatA→∞, and thatRin→∞, then we obtain the following equations
defining anideal operational amplifier:

i−=i+= 0
vd(t)=v+(t)−v−(t)= 0 (2.8)

These equations are called thevirtual shortand are valid only if the output voltage of the operational
amplifier is limited by the saturation voltageVsat—that is, when


Later in the chapter we will consider ways to use the op-amp to get inverters, integrators, adders, and

2.3.2 Time Invariance

A continuous-time systemSistime invariantif whenever for an inputx(t)with a corresponding output
S[x(t)], the output corresponding to a shifted inputx(t∓τ)(delayed or advanced) is the original output shifted
in timeS[x(t∓τ)](delayed or advanced). Thus,

x(t) ⇒ y(t)=S[x(t)]
x(t∓τ) ⇒ y(t∓τ)=S[x(t±τ)] (2.9)

That is, the system does not age—its parameters are constant.

A system that satisfies both the linearity and the time invariance is called alinear time-invariantor LTI


n It should be clear that linearity and time invariance are independent of each other. Thus, one can have
linear time-varying or nonlinear time-invariant systems.
n Although most actual systems are, according to the above definitions, nonlinear and time varying, linear
models are used to approximate around an operating point the nonlinear behavior, and time-invariant
models are used to approximate in short segments the system’s time-varying behavior. For instance, in
speech synthesis the vocal system is typically modeled as a linear time-invariant system for intervals of
about 20 msec, attempting to approximate the continuous variation in shape in the different parts of the
vocal system (mouth, cheeks, nose, etc.). A better model for such a system is clearly a linear time-varying
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