Signals and Systems - Electrical Engineering

(avery) #1

160 C H A P T E R 2: Continuous-Time Systems

Problem 2.6.

+ −

is(t) vs(t)



2.7. Time-varying capacitor
A time-varying capacitor is characterized by the charge–voltage equation


That is, the capacitance is not a constant but a function of time.
(a) Given thati(t)=dq(t)/dt, find the voltage–current relation for this time-varying capacitor.
(b)LetC(t)= 1 +cos( 2 πt)andv(t)=cos( 2 πt). Determine the currenti 1 (t)in the capacitor for allt.
(c)LetC(t)be as above, but delayv(t)by 0.25 sec. Determinei 2 (t)for all time. Is the system TI?
2.8. Sinusoidal Test for LTI
A fundamental property of linear time-invariant systems is that whenever the input of the system is a sinu-
soid of a certain frequency, the output will also be a sinusoid of the same frequency but with an amplitude
and phase determined by the system. For the following systems let the input bex(t)=cos(t),−∞<t<
∞, and find the outputy(t)and determine if the system is LTI.

(b)y(t)=0.5[x(t)+x(t− 1 )]




t− 2


2.9. Testing the time invariance of systems
Consider the following systems and find the response tox 1 (t)=u(t)andx 2 (t)=u(t− 1 ). Determine from
the corresponding outputs whether the system is time-varying or not.
(b)y(t)=x(t)[u(t)−u(t− 2 )]
(c)y(t)=0.5[x(t)+x(t− 1 )]
Ploty 1 (t)andy 2 (t)for each case.
2.10. Window/modulator
Consider the system where for an inputx(t)the output isy(t)=x(t)f(t)for some functionf(t).
(a) Letf(t)=u(t)−u(t− 10 ). Determine whether the system with inputx(t)and outputy(t)is linear, time
invariant, causal, and BIBO stable.
(b)Supposex(t)=4 cos(πt/ 2 ), andf(t)=cos( 6 πt/ 7 )and both are periodic. Is the outputy(t)also
periodic? What frequencies are present in the output? Is this system linear? Is it time invariant?
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