Signals and Systems - Electrical Engineering

(avery) #1
3.2 The Two-Sided Laplace Transform 167

LTI System


x(t)=es^0 t y(t)=x(t) H(s 0 )

Eigenfunction property of LTI systems. The input of the system isx(t)=es^0 t=eσ^0 tej^0 tand the output of the
system is the same input multiplied by the complex valueH(s 0 )whereH(s)=L[h(t)]—that is, the Laplace
transform of the impulse responseh(t)of the LTI system.

abstract at the beginning, but after you see it applied here and in the Fourier representation later
you will think of it as a way to obtain a representation analogous to the impulse representation. You
will soon discover the importance of using complex exponentials, and it will then become clear that
eigenfunctions are connected with phasors that greatly simplify the sinusoidal steady-state solution
of circuits.

3.2.1 Eigenfunctions of LTI Systems

Consider as the input of an LTI system the complex signal

x(t)=es^0 t s 0 =σ 0 +j 0

for−∞<t<∞, and leth(t)be the impulse response of the system. According to the convolution
integral, the output of the system is







h(τ)es^0 (t−τ)dτ

=es^0 t



h(τ)e−τs^0 dτ=x(t)H(s 0 ) (3.1)

Since the same exponential at the input appears at the output,x(t)=es^0 tis called aneigenfunction^1
of the LTI system. The inputx(t)is changed at the output by the complex functionH(s 0 ), which is
related to the system through the impulse responseh(t). In general, for anys, the eigenfunction at the
output is modified by a complex function





which corresponds to the Laplace transform ofh(t)!

(^1) German mathematician David Hilbert (1862–1943) seems to be the first to use the German wordeigento denote eigenvalues and
eigenvectors in 1904. The wordeigenmeans own or proper.

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