Signals and Systems - Electrical Engineering

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10 C H A P T E R 0: From the Ground Up!

with minimal information loss. Chapters 1, 7, and 8 will provide the necessary information about continuous-
time and discrete-time signals, and show how to convert one into the other and back. The sampling theory
presented in Chapter 7 is the backbone of digital signal processing.

0.3.1 Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Representations

There are significant differences between continuous-time and discrete-time signals as well as in their
processing. A discrete-time signal is a sequence of measurements typically made at uniform times,
while the analog signal depends continuously on time. Thus, a discrete-time signalx[n] and the
corresponding analog signalx(t)are related by a sampling process:

x[n]=x(nTs)=x(t)|t=nTs (0.1)

That is, the signalx[n] is obtained by samplingx(t)at timest=nTs, wherenis an integer andTsis
thesampling periodor the time between samples. This results in a sequence,

{···x(−Ts)x( 0 )x(Ts)x( 2 Ts)···}

according to the sampling times, or equivalently


according to the ordering of the samples (as referenced to time 0). This process is calledsamplingor
discretizationof an analog signal.

Clearly, by choosing a small value forTswe could make the analog and the discrete-time signals look
very similar—almost indistinguishable—which is good, but this is at the expense of memory space
required to keep the numerous samples. If we make the value ofTslarge, we improve the memory
requirements, but at the risk of losing information contained in the original signal. For instance,
consider a sinusoid obtained from a signal generator:

x(t)=2 cos( 2 πt)

for 0≤t≤10 sec. If we sample it everyTs 1 =0.1 sec, the analog signal becomes the following

x 1 [n]=x(t)|t=0.1n=2 cos( 2 πn/ 10 ) 0 ≤n≤ 100

providing a very good approximation to the original signal. If, on the other hand, we letTs 2 =1 sec,
then the discrete-time signal becomes

x 2 [n]=x(t)|t=n=2 cos( 2 πn)=2 0≤n≤ 10

See Figure 0.5. Although forTs 2 the number of samples is considerably reduced, the representation
of the original signal is very poor—it appears as if we had sampled a constant signal, and we have
thus lost information! This indicates that it is necessary to come up with a way to chooseTsso that
sampling provides not only a reasonable number of samples, but, more importantly, guarantees that
the information in the analog and the discrete-time signals remains the same.
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