Signals and Systems - Electrical Engineering

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272 C H A P T E R 4: Frequency Analysis: The Fourier Series

nExample 4.12
To illustrate the modulation property using MATLAB consider modulating a sinusoid cos( 20 πt)
with a train of square pulses

x 1 (t)=0.5[1+sign(sin(πt)]

and with a sinusoid

x 2 (t)=cos(πt)

Use our functionfourierseriesto find the Fourier series of the modulated signals and plot their
magnitude line spectra.


The functionsignis defined as



− 1 x(t) < 0
1 x(t)≥ 0


That is, it determines the sign of the signal. Thus, 0.5[1+sign


sin(πt)]=u(t)−u(t− 1 )equals
1 for 0≤t≤1, and 0 for 1<t≤2, which corresponds to a period of a train of square

The following script allows us to compute the Fourier coefficients of the two modulated signals.

% Example 4.12---Modulation
syms t
T0 = 2;
m = heaviside(t)−heaviside(t−T0/2);
m1 = heaviside(t)−heaviside(t−T0);
x = m∗cos(20∗pi∗t);
x1 = m1∗cos(pi∗t)∗cos(20∗pi∗t);
[X, w] = fourierseries(x, T0, 60);
[X1, w1] = fourierseries(x1, T0, 60);

The modulated signals and their corresponding magnitude line spectra are shown in Figure 4.13.
The Fourier coefficients of the modulated signals are now clustered around the frequency 20π.
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