274 C H A P T E R 4: Frequency Analysis: The Fourier Series
If we callYk=XkH(jk 0 )we have a Fourier series representation ofyss(t)withYkas its Fourier
4.9.1 Sinusoidal Steady State.............................................................
If the input of a stable and causal LTI system, with impulse responseh(t), isx(t)=Aej^0 t, the
output is
h(τ)x(t−τ)dτ=Aej^0 t
h(τ)e−j^0 τdτ
=Aej^0 tH(j 0 )=A|H(j 0 )|ej^0 t+∠H(j^0 ) (4.31)
The limits of the first integral indicate that the system is causal (theh(τ)=0 forτ <0) and that
the inputx(t−τ)is applied from−∞(whenτ=∞) tot(whenτ=0); thusy(t)is the steady-state
response of the system. If the input is a sinusoid—for example,
x 1 (t)=Re[x(t)=Aej^0 t]=Acos( 0 t) (4.32)
then the corresponding steady-state response is
y 1 (t)=Re[A|H(j 0 )|ej^0 t+∠H(j^0 )]
=A|H(j 0 )|cos( 0 t+∠H(j 0 )). (4.33)
As in the eigenfunction property, the frequency of the output coincides with the frequency of the
input, however, the magnitude and the phase of the input signal is changed by the response of the
system at the input frequency.
The following script simulates the convolution of a sinusoidx(t)of frequency= 20 π, amplitude
10, and random phase with the impulse responseh(t)(a modulated decaying exponential) of an LTI
system. The convolution integral is approximated using the MATLAB functionconv.
% Simulation of Convolution
clear all; clf
Ts = 0.01; Tend = 2; t = 0:Ts:Tend;
x = 10∗cos(20∗pi∗t + pi∗(rand(1, 1)−0.5)); % input signal
h = 20∗exp(−10.ˆt).∗cos(40∗pi∗t); % impulse response
% approximate convolution integral
y = Ts∗conv(x, h);