EXPLORECITIESBUILDING INTEGRITYTunneling under cities forsubways or sewers cancause damage to overlyingbuildings. Evaluatingbuilding facades duringexcavation can helpidentify vulnerable partsof historic properties.URBAN PLANNINGWhere will shadows becast? Will a street have toomuch wind for pedestriansWRZDON":KHUHLVDÆRRGlikely to start? DevelopersFDQEHQHÆWIURPDGHWDLOHGgeometry of how a city livesand breathes.``````DISABILITY ACCESSA high curb or a singlestep into a restaurant mayprevent access by peoplewith limited mobility. Datacollected can help informnew development or beused in a mobile app thatsuggests the best route.``````TREE TRIMMINGA comprehensive map ofa cityâs trees can identifywhich ones are likelyto interfere with powerlines and which should betrimmed ahead of stormsthat could knock themdown on houses or cars.
martin jones
(Martin Jones)