LLONDONO N D O NThames``````0 mi 40 km 4``````CCTV densityin Greater LondonNumber of camerasper square mileMore than 2010-20Fewer than 10No data``````CCTV camera locationUnderground station``````Hollowa
y (^) Rd.Caledonian(^) Rd.Upper (^) St.CamdenRd.ISLINGTONLocationof camera(facing page)to FinsburyParkEmiratesStadium0 mi 0.50 km 0.5Location ofpedestrianin photo(facing page)Holloway (^) Rd.Caledonian(^) Rd.Upper (^) St.CamdenRd.ISLINGTONIRELANDUNITEDKINGDOMLondonLondon authorities were early adopters ofwidespread closed-circuit television (CCTV)surveillance after the city was targeted byterrorists using truck bombs in the early1990s. From 2012 to 2015 the city saw a72 percent increase in cameras, making upone-third of the U.K.âs cameras overall. TodayLondoners are some of the most closelywatched city dwellers in the world; as oneexample, the borough of Islington, just northof central London, monitors 180 cameras.JASON TREAT AND RYAN T. WILLIAMS, NGM STAFFSOURCES: BIG BROTHER WATCH; ISLINGTON COUNCIL; ORDNANCE SURVEY, U.K.CCTV data for London and Islington are from 2015 and 2017, respectively.,VOLQJWRQPDSVKRZVRQO\Æ[HGFDPHUDORFDWLRQVLONDONWATCHING
martin jones
(Martin Jones)