0 mi 2000 km 200``````PLATEAU OF TIBET``````TaklimakanDesert``````Kunming``````Urumqi``````Laohuzui,Honghe HaniRice Terraces(World Heritage site)
CHIPopulation Cropland``````CombinedHigherdensity``````Lowerdensity``````Populationin 2015``````Populationin 1960``````10 million``````5 million``````CHINA``````UNITEDSTAT ES``````CHINA``````U.S.``````2,41 6``````3 , 682``````2,8 60``````3,458``````Daily percapitasupply ofcalories1,594``````3, 108calories
600300``````0``````1963 1988 2013``````1963 1988 2013``````1. 5
0. 51``````0``````CALORIES PER PERSON PER DAY``````POPULATION IN BILLIONS``````Sweeping reforms starting in the late 1970s have transformed China from an isolated,centrally controlled economy into an increasingly market-oriented juggernaut. Agriculturaland industrial modernization has fueled continuing migration to cities, rising incomes, anda growing appetite for a more westernized diet among Chinaâs 1.4 billion people.
AN APPETITE FOR MOREMore people and foodEconomic and food-productionreforms have helped Chinaâsgrowing population double itssupply of daily calories.``````RUGGED WESTThough rich in resourceslike coal and oil, much of theregion is plateau or desert.It is home to just 6 percentof the population.``````Craving proteinChina has overtaken theUnited States in its dailysupply of calories from meat,SRXOWU\VHDIRRGDQGRÆDO``````LIMITED LANDSCombined areas(brown) indicate wherepeople (orange) areHQFURDFKLQJRQÆQLWHcropland (green).
â (^) THE PEOPLEâS REPUBLIC OFCHINA CLAIMS TAIWAN AS ITS Ǫǫ5'3529,1&(7$,:$1Å 6*29(510(17Ç5(38%/,&2)&+,1$Ç0$,17$,167+$77+(5(ARE TWO POLITICAL ENTITIES.HIGH GROWTHUrban areas with apopulation of threemillion or higher in 2015
martin jones
(Martin Jones)