Research Area: Spacecraft Materials
Expedition(s): 27- ongoing
Principal Investigator(s): ● Robert J. Walters, PhD, Naval Research Laboratory,
Washington, DC
The Materials on International Space Station Experiment - 8 (MISSE-8) tests various materials
and computing elements on the exterior of the space station. The payload container is
mounted so one side faces the Earth and the other faces space. The harsh environment of low-
Earth orbit exposes the materials to a vacuum, atomic oxygen, ultraviolet radiation, direct
sunlight, and extreme heat and cold. The experiments provide a better understanding of
material durability, from coatings to electronic sensors, which could be applied to future
spacecraft designs.
Ultraviolet radiation, oxidization, and
other phenomena happen on Earth as
well as in space. Research on atomic
oxygen oxidation could improve
designs of fire-retardant and rust-
resistant material on Earth. Interactions
between various materials and solar
ultraviolet radiation could improve
terrestrial structures, such as plastic
siding for houses. In addition, the
MISSE experiments could lead to better
protective designs for communications
and weather satellites.
Many of the materials and sensors tested in the MISSE experiments could be incorporated into
new spacecraft designs. Advanced materials tested with MISSE could also improve the
performance of satellites, solar cells, and other space-based technology. Missions on other
planets have already benefitted from MISSE research: a static-dissipating paint tested in a
previous MISSE experiment now coats components of NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover.
The following information is a sampling of the results obtained from MISSE-8 thus far.
The Communications Interface Board (CIB), developed with radiation tolerance and reliability as
the primary design considerations, was an improved communications architecture
demonstration on the ISS. MISSE-7 was the first spaceflight of this technology. The CIB
View of STS-134 Mission Specialist Andrew Feustel working
to install a new Materials International Space Station
Experiment - 8 on the Expedite the Processing of Experiments
to Space Station Logistics Carrier 2. NASA image.