biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Research Area: Educational Activities and Outreach: Commercial Demonstrations
Expedition(s): 17- 22
Principal Investigator(s): ● Mark T. Severance, NASA’s Johnson Space Center, Houston,

Disney and NASA have come together to develop
hands-on educational activities, demonstrations, and
exhibits centered around the flight of Buzz Lightyear
on STS-124, his year aboard the International Space
Station (ISS), and his return on STS-128. These
activities are designed to encourage children and
young adults to pursue their dreams and develop an
interest in exploration and discovery.

This partnership was created to give children a unique
insight into life on the ISS, how to get there and back home again, and the unique challenges of
microgravity through the perspective of one of Disney/Pixar’s most enduring and favorite
characters, Buzz Lightyear.

This investigation is applied to new knowledge and not specifically to advances in space

Disney, Pixar, and NASA chronicle Buzz Lightyear’s more than 450 days in space through hands-
on educational activities, demonstrations, and exhibits. Disney creates 6 web-based games
based on Buzz Lightyear’s experiences. Educational worksheets, games, and videos are also
available. The following games were created and made available at:

Buzz Lightyear Returns From Space: To Infinity and Beyond!

  • Mission Game 1 - Load the Shuttle: Buzz needs help loading the space shuttle as the
    equipment he takes with him cannot exceed a determined weight.

  • Mission Game 2 - Mission Matchup: Help Buzz discover some of the accomplishments
    that lead humankind into space and ultimately to the construction of the International
    Space Station.

  • Mission Game 3 - I Spy: The shuttle’s liftoff really shook things up! Help Buzz find a list
    of items.

  • Mission Game 4 - Connect it: Using commands, program a robotic arm to attach the
    Kibo module to the space station.

Video screen capture of Buzz Lightyear on
the International Space Station with the fish
that don’t require a fish bowl. NASA image.
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