biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Love SG, Pettit DR, Messenger SR. Particle aggregation in
microgravity: Informal experiments on the International Space
Station. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. May 2014;49(5):732-

  1. doi: 10.1111/maps.12286.

Love SG, Pettit DR. Fast, repeatable clumping of solid particles in
microgravity. 35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference,
Houston, TX; 2004.

Tytell D. Building planets in plastic bags. Sky and Telescope. 2004.

Grunsfeld JM. Shooting the Heavens from Space. Sky and
Telescope. 2003: 128-132.

This investigation is complete and all results are published.

Video screen shot of a 13 cm
free sphere of water stabilized
by a wire loop aboard the
International Space Station
during Expedition 6. NASA
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