Research Area: Human Research: Nervous and Vestibular Systems
Expedition(s): ● William H. Paloski, PhD, NASA’s Johnson Space Center,
Houston, Texas
The Spatial Reorientation Following Spaceflight (Spatial)
study examines adaptive changes in spatial processing for
balance control following short-duration spaceflight.
The first specific aim of this study was to examine
adaptive changes in spatial processing for balance control
following spaceflight by incorporating static and dynamic
tilts that disassociate head and gravity reference frames.
Impairments to sensorimotor (sensory and motor)
coordination of body segments following spaceflight are
more pronounced after landing when the head is actively
tilted with respect to the trunk. This suggests that central
vestibular processing shifts from a gravitational frame of
reference (aligned with gravity vector) to a head frame of
reference (aligned to head position) in microgravity. A
major effect of such changes is a significant postural
instability. Decreases in functional performance may still
be underestimated when head and gravity reference
frames remained aligned. A second aim of this study was
to examine the feasibility of altering the re-adaptation
process by providing discordant visual-vestibular
somatosensory (sensory system perception) stimuli using
short-radius pitch centrifugation. Previous observations
suggested that conflicting sensory stimuli caused by an
unusual motion environment disrupted spatial orientation
and balance control in a returning crew member possibly by triggering a change in the central
vestibular system (inner ear, eyes, and the central nervous system).
A better understanding of the characteristics of sensorimotor recovery from short-duration
spaceflights will help in understanding the mechanisms related to the adaptation of balance
control. The findings are also expected to demonstrate the feasibility of triggering state changes
between sensorimotor control sets using a centrifuge device. The results will also be of use to
clinical and military researchers interested in adaptive changes in spatial processing to altered
gravitational environments, and the fragility of the sensorimotor adaptive processes. These
findings will improve the understanding of the functional risks to crew members after
A view of the posturography (the study of
posture and its effects on health) system
located in the JSC Neuroscience
Laboratories. As a part of the medical
requirement test battery, posturography
is currently being performed on returning
short and long duration crewmembers to
assist in determining their return-to-duty
status. ESA image.