biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


The LN1 ovarian cell cultures aboard station did not survive in long-term culture. However,
the cells grown on ISS were found to have produced reduced amounts of cytokines (small
secreted proteins that mediate and regulate immunity, inflammation, and hematopoiesis)
compared to the ground controls. The proteins were recovered after the RNA had been
removed from the cells via filtration. The novel proteins, vimentin and epithelial membrane
antigen (EMA) proteins, were extracted from filtrate of the RNA extraction. Vimentin is the
main intermediate filament protein in embryonic cells. It plays an important role in the
differential diagnosis of undifferentiated neoplasms (abnormal tissue growths). EMA, which
belongs to a family of proteins known as human milk fat globulemembrane proteins, is
considered a broad spectrum antibody that is reactive against many types of adenocarcinomas.
The data obtained from the protein extraction indicate the presence of the antigenic proteins,
vimentin and EMA, in RNA-stabilized LN1 cells following long-duration storage at 4°C (39°F). The
vimentin and EMA proteins showed similar profiles at different times between the flight and
ground samples. These data provide confirmation that the techniques used can be generalized
to other cell lines and that RNAlater provides long-term storage of proteins at 4°C (39°F) for
long-duration investigations (Hammond 2005).

Analysis is ongoing, and additional results are expected to publish.

No results were found because the cells did not survive. This is most likely due to inadequate
mixing or bubble formation.

No results were found because the cells did not survive. This is most likely due to inadequate
mixing or bubble formation.

The human lymphoid tissue
cultures were activated on
board station but did not
survive in longer-term
culture. Early preliminary
results, which were in
agreement with rotating
wall vesicle (RWV) ground
studies (microgravity
simulation), indicated that
the human tonsil cell
suspensions show impaired
immune responses in
microgravity and that the
ISS008E09941 Systems Fluid Dynamics Investigation Tissue Culture Module taken during – This is a Cellular Biotechnology Operations Support extent of impairment
Increment 8.
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