biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Venkateswaran K, Vaishampayan PA, Cisneros J, Pierson DL, Rogers SO, Perry JL. International
Space Station environmental microbiome - microbial inventories of ISS filter debris. Applied
Microbiology and Biotechnology. April 4, 2014;98(14):6453-6466. doi: 10.1007/s00253- 014 -
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Ichijo T, Hieda H, Ishihara R, Yamaguchi N, Nasu M. Bacterial monitoring with adhesive sheet in
the International Space Station -"Kibo," the Japanese experiment module. Microbes and
Environments. April 20, 2013;28(2):264-268. doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME12184.

Schiwon K, Arends K, Rogowski KM, et al. Comparison of antibiotic resistance, biofilm formation
and conjugative transfer of Staphylococcus and Enterococcus Isolates from International Space
Station and Antarctic Research Station Concordia. Microbial Ecology. April 2013;65(3):638-651.
doi: 10.1007/s00248- 013 -0193-4.

James JT, Zalesak. Prediction of crew health effects from air samples taken aboard the
International Space Station. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 2012;83(8):795-799.
doi: 10.3357/ASEM.3337.2012.

Strayer RF, Hummerick ME, Richards JT, McCoy C, Roberts MS, Wheeler R. Characterization of
Volume F trash from the three FY11 STS Missions: Trash Weights and Categorization and
Microbial Characterization. 42nd International Conference on Environmental Systems, San
Diego, CA; 2012.

Strayer RF, Hummerick ME, Richards JT, McCoy C, Roberts MS, Wheeler R. Microbial
characterization of space solid wastes treated with a heat melt compactor. 42nd International
Conference on Environmental Systems, San Diego, CA; 2012.

Van Houdt R, Mijnendonckx K, Leys N. Microbial contamination monitoring and control during
human space missions. Planetary and Space Science. 2012;60(1):115-120. doi:

Macatangay AV, Perry JL, Belcher PL, Johnson SA. Status of the International Space Station (ISS)
trace contaminant control system. SAE International Journal of Aerospace. 2011;4:48-54. doi:

Reddy SY, Frank JD, Iatauro MJ, et al. Planning solar array operations on the International Space
Station. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. July 2011;2:41:1-41:24. doi:

Swanson GT, Cassell AM. Micrometeoroid and orbital debris impact damage recording system.
2011 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT; March 5-12, 2011;1531. doi:

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