biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Investigation Citation Sponsoring
CERISE Etheridge T, Nemoto K, Hashizume T, et al. The
effectiveness of RNAi in Caenorhabditis elegans
is maintained during spaceflight. PLoS One.
2011;6(6): e20459.


CERISE Etheridge T, Nemoto K, Hashizume T, et al. The
next phase of life-sciences spaceflight research:
harnessing the power of functional genomics.
Communicative & Integrative Biology. 2011;4:6,
1 - 2.


CGBA Benoit MR, Li W, Stodieck LS, et al. Microbial
antibiotic production aboard the International
Space Station. Applied Microbiology
Biotechnology. 2006;70(4):403–411.


CGBA Klaus DM, Howard HN. Antibiotic efficacy and
microbial virulence during spaceflight. Trends in
Biotechnology. March 24, 2006. doi:


CGBA Klaus D, Benoit M, Bonomo J, et al. Antibiotic
production in space using an automated Fed-
Bioreactor System. AIAA International Space
Station Utilization – 2001 , Cape Canaveral,
Florida; October 15–18, 2001.


CRISP- 2 Horn ER, Dournon C, Frippiat J, Marco R, Boser
S, Kirschnick U. Development of neuronal and
sensorimotor systems in the absence of gravity:
Neurobiological research on four Soyuz taxi
flights to the international space station.
Microgravity Science and Technology.
2007;19(5-6):164-169. doi:


CRISP- 2 Kirschnick U, Agricola H, Horn ER. Effects of
altered gravity on identified peptidergic
neurons of the cricket Acheta Domesticus.
Gravitational and Space Biology. August
2006;19(2):135- 1 36.


FIT Taylor K, Kleinhesselink K, George MD, et al. Toll
mediated infection response is altered by
gravity and spaceflight in Drosophila. PLOS ONE.
January 24, 2014;9:e86485. doi:


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