biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Investigation Citation Sponsoring
Statokonia Gorgiladze GI. Morphological features of the
inertial mass in statocysts of the terrestrial
gastropods Helix lucorum and Pomatias rivulare
exposed to microgravity. Doklady Biological
Sciences. August 17, 2010;433(1):271-274. doi:
10.1134/S0012496610040101. [Original Russian
Text © G.I. Gorgiladze, 2010, published in
Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2010, Vol. 433, No. 4,
pp. 566–569.]


Statokonia Gorgiladze GI. Regenerative capacity of the
planarian Girardia tigrina and the snail Helix
lucorum exposed to microgravity during an
orbital flight on board the international space
station. Doklady Biological Sciences. August 20,
2008;421(1):244-247. doi:
10.1134/S0012496608040078. [Original Russian
Text © G.I. Gorgiladze, 2008, published in
Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2008, Vol. 421, No. 1,
pp. 131–134.]


Statokonia Gorgiladze GI, Bukiya RD, Davitashvili MT, et al.
The destructive impact of increased
gravitational force on the inertial mass in
statocysts of Helix lucorum. Proceedings of the
Academy of Sciences. 2006;406(3):416-418.


Statokonia Gorgiladze GI, Bukiya RD, Kozyrev SA,
Kalandarishvili EL. Structural/functional
organization of the statocyst in Helix lucorum in
normal conditions and conditions of a changing
gravitational field. XIII Conference Space Biology
and Aerospace Medicine, Moscow, Russia; June
13 - 16, 2006.


Statokonia Bukiya RD, Taktakishvili AD, Kalandarishvili EL,
Gorgiladze GI. Morphological features of the
cellular components of the statocyst in the land
snail Helix lucorum. Bulletin of the Academy of
Sciences of Georgia: Biological series A.


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