biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

(Fish Scales) Investigation of the Osteoclastic and Osteoblastic Responses to Microgravity Using Goldfish Scales

Research Area: Cellular Biology
Expedition(s): 23 and 24
Principle Investigator(s): ● Nobuo Suzuki, PhD, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan

Investigation of the Osteoclastic and Osteoblastic Responses to Microgravity Using Goldfish
Scales (Fish Scales) examines regenerating scales collected from anesthetized goldfish in
microgravity. This investigation aims to elucidate the mechanism behind the decrease in bone
mineral density in the human body during spaceflight and also to investigate the suppressive
action of novel indole derivative (1-benzyl-2,4,6- tribromomelatonin) on the bone resorption of

The results from Fish Scales can be the
basis of a new pharmaceutical to treat
bone disease.

The results from Fish Scales can be
utilized to maintain bone density in
future space explorers during long-
duration missions.

Fish Scales demonstrated that
osteoclastic bone resorption occurred
together with morphological changes of osteoclasts. In addition, it was also observed that 1-
benzyl-2, 4, 6-tribromomelatonin increased the scale of osteoblastic marker expression but
suppressed that of osteoclastic marker expression. On the ground basis experiment, the oral
administration of this chemical augmented the total
bone mineral density of the femoral metaphysis of
ovariectomized rats. In rats fed a low-calcium diet,
the total bone mineral density of the femoral
metaphysis significantly increased following the oral
administration of this melatonin derivative. In this
space experiment, it was demonstrated that bone
resorption was actually observed using the fish
scales and indicated that a novel melatonin
derivative may have a potential application in the
treatment of bone diseases, such as those
experienced in spaceflight.

Image taken after culture in the CBEF in the ISS.
Regenerating fish scales inside flight chamber. JAXA image.

JAXA astronaut Soichi Noguchi works on the
Fish Scales experiment. JAXA image.
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