biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Vitamin D Coenegrachts L, Stockmans I, Segers I, Bouillon
R, Carmeliet G. The effect of microgravity on 1,
25-dihydroxyvitamin d3 signaling in osteoblasts.
Microgravity Science and Technology.
September 2007;19(5-6):154-158. doi:


Biology and Biotechnology: Macromolecular Crystal Growth
APCF Vergara A, Lorber B, Sauter C, Giege R, Zagari A.
Lessons from crystals grown in the Advanced
Protein Crystallisation Facility for conventional
crystallization applied to structural biology.
Biophysical Chemistry. 2005;118(2-3):102-112.
doi: 10.1016/j.bpc.2005.06.014.


APCF Castagnolo D, Piccolo C, Carotenuto L, Vergara
A, Zagari A. Crystalization of the collagen-like
polypeptide (PPG)10 aboard the International
Space Station. 3. Analysis of residual
acceleration-induced motion. Acta
Crystallographica Section D: Biological
Crystallography. 2003;59(pt4): 773-776.


APCF Berisio R, Vitagliano L, Vergara A, Sorrentino G,
Mazzarella L, Zagari A. Crystallization of the
collagen-like polypeptide (PPG) 10 aboard the
International Space Station. 2. Comparison of
crystal quality by X-ray diffraction. Acta
Crystallographica Section D: Biological
Crystallography. 2002;58:16 95 - 1699.


APCF Garcia-Ruiz JM, Gonzalez Ramirez LA, Gavira JA,
Otalora Munoz F. Granada crystallisation box: A
new device for protein crystallisation by
counter-diffusion techniques. Acta
Crystallographica Section D: Biological
Crystallography. September 26, 2002;58:1638-

  1. doi: 10.1107/S0907444902014464.


APCF Vergara A, Corvino E, Sorrentino G, et al.
Crystallization of the collagen-like polypeptide
(PPG)10 aboard the International Space Station.

  1. Video observation. Acta Crystallographica
    Section D: Biological Crystallography.


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