biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Foot Cavanagh PR, Gopalakrishnan R, Rice AJ, et al.
An ambulatory biomechanical data collection
system for use in space: Design and validation.
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine.
2009;80(10):870-881. doi:


Foot Genc KO, Humphreys BT, Cavanagh PR.
Enhanced daily load stimulus to bone in
spaceflight and on Earth. Aviation, Space, and
Environmental Medicine. 2009;80:919-926.
doi: 10.3357/ASEM.2380.2009.


Foot Pierre MC, Genc KO, Litow M, et al. Comparison
of knee motion on Earth and in space: An
observational study. Journal of
Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation. 2006;3(8).
doi: 10.1186/1743- 0003 - 3 - 8.


HPA Pastacaldi P, Orsini P, Bracciaferri F, et al. Short-
term microgravity effect on isometric hand grip
and precision pinch force with visual and
proprioceptive feedback. Advances in Space
Research. January 2004;33(8):1368-1374. doi:


HPA Zolesi V, Serafini L, Baldacci S, et al. New
protocols for the analysis of the performance of
the human upper limb on the International
Space Station. AIAA Space 2003 Conference and
Exposition, Long Beach, CA; September 23-25,


HPA Neri G, Zolesi V. Biomedical research on the
International Space Station postural and
manipulation problems of the human upper
limb in weightlessness. AIP Conference
Proceedings: Space Technology and Applications
International Forum, Albuquerque, New
Mexico; January 30 - February 3, 2000, 166-171.


Subregional Bone Li W, Kezele I, Collins DL, et al. Voxel-based
modeling and quantification of the proximal
femur using inter-subject registration of
quantitative CT images. Bone. November 2011;
41(5):888-895. doi:


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