biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

CVB Plawsky JL, Wayner Jr PC. Explosive nucleation
in microgravity: The Constrained Vapor Bubble
experiment. International Journal of Heat and
Mass Transfer. 2012;55(23-24):6473-6484. doi:


CVB Chatterjee A, Plawsky JL, Wayner Jr PC, et al.
The Constrained Vapor Bubble (CVB)
experiment in the microgravity environment of
the International Space Station. 49th AIAA
Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New
Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition,
Orlando, FL; January 4-7, 2011.


CVB Chatterjee A, Plawsky JL, Wayner Jr PC, et al.
The Constrained Vapor Bubble Experiment for
ISS - Earth's gravity. Results Journal of
Thermophysics and Heat Transfer.
2010;24(4):400-410. doi: 10.2514/1.47522.


DECLIC-DSI Mota FL, Bergeon N, Tourret D, Karma A, Trivedi
R, Billia B. Initial transient behavior in
directional solidification of a bulk transparent
model alloy in a cylinder. Acta Materialia.
February 2015;85:362-377. doi:


DECLIC-DSI Bergeon N, Ramirez A, Chen L, Billia B, Gu J,
Trivedi R. Dynamics of interface pattern
formation in 3D alloy solidification: First results
from experiments in the DECLIC directional
solidification insert on the International Space
Station. Journal of Materials Science.
2011;46:6191-6202. doi: 10.1007/s10853-011-
5382 - 2.


DECLIC-DSI Ramirez A, Chen L, Bergeon N, Billia B, Gu J,
Trivedi R. In situ and real time characterization
of interface microstructure in 3D alloy
solidification: Benchmark microgravity
experiments in the DECLIC-Directional
Solidification Insert on ISS. IOP Conference
Series: Material Science and Engineering.
2011;27(1). doi: 10.1088/1757-


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