PFMI Grugel RN, Anilkumar AV, Cox MC. Observation
of an aligned gas - Solid eutectic during
controlled directional solidification aboard the
International Space Station - Comparison with
ground-based Studies. 42nd Aerospace Sciences
Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV; 2005.
PFMI Strutzenberg LL, Grugel RN, Trivedi R.
Morphological evolution of directional
solidification interface in microgravity: An
analysis of model experiments performed on
the International Space Station. 43rd Aerospace
Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV; 2005.
PFMI Grugel RN, Anilkumar AV. Bubble formation and
transport during microgravity materials
processing: Model experiments on the Space
Station. 42nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and
Exhibit, Reno, NV; 2004.
PFMI Grugel RN, Anilkumar AV, Lee CP. Direct
observation of pore formation and bubble
mobility during controlled melting and re-
solidification in microgravity, solidification
processes, and microstructures. A Symposium in
Honor of Wilfried Kurz, The Metallurgical
Society, Warrendale, PA; 2004:111-116.
SUBSA Churilov AV, Ostrogorsky AG. Solidification of Te
and Zn doped InSb in space. Journal of
Thermophysics and Heat Transfer.
SUBSA Ostrogorsky AG, Churilov AV. Model of
Tellurium- and Zinc-Doped Indium Antimonide
solidification in space. Journal of Thermophysics
and Heat Transfer. 2005;19(4):542-547.
SUBSA Ostrogorsky AG, Marin C, Churilov AV, et
al. Solidification using the baffle in sealed
ampoules. 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and
Exhibit, Reno, NV; 2003.
SUBSA Spivey RA, Gilley S, Ostrogorsky AG, et al. SUBSA
and PFMI transparent furnace systems currently
in use in the International Space Station
microgravity science glovebox. 41st Aerospace
Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV; 2003.