biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

SPHERES Saenz-Otero A, Miller DW. Initial SPHERES
operations aboard the International Space
Station. IAA Small Satellites for Earth
Observation VI, Berlin, Germany; 2007.


SPHERES Chung S, Kong EM, Miller DW. SPHERES
tethered formation flight testbed: Application
to NASAs SPECS mission. Proceedings of SPIE
5899, UV/Optical/IR Space Telescopes:
Innovative Technologies and Concepts II, San
Diego, CA; 2005.


SPHERES Rodgers L, Hoff N, Jordan E, Heiman M, Miller
DW. A universal interface for modular
spacecraft. 19th Annual AIAA/USU Conference
on Small Satellites, Logan, UT; 2005.


SPHERES Saenz-Otero A, Miller DW. SPHERES: A platform
for formation-flight research. Proceedings of
SPIE 5899, UV/Optical/IR Space Telescopes:
Innovative Technologies and Concepts II, San
Diego, CA; 2005.


SPHERES Kong EM, Saenz-Otero A, Nolet S, Berkovitz DS,
Miller DW. SPHERES as a formation flight
algorithm development and validation testbed:
Current progress and beyond. 2nd International
Formation Flight Conference, Washington, DC;


SPHERES Nolet S, Kong EM, Miller DW. Autonomous
docking algorithm development and
experimentation using the SPHERES testbed.
Proceedings of SPIE 5419, Spacecraft Platforms
and infrastructure. 2004;5419:1-15. doi:


STP-H2 Bruninga RE, Smith B, Boden D. PCsat auccess!
and follow-on payloads. 16th Annual AIAA/USU
Conference on Small Satellites, Logan, Utah;


Technology Development: Space Structures
REBR Feistel AS, Weaver MA, Ailor W. Comparison of
reentry breakup measurements for three
atmospheric reentries. 6th IAASS Conference,
Montreal, Canada; May 21 - 23, 2013:8.


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