biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Technology Development: Spacecraft Materials
EuTEF-MEDET Rejsek-Riba V, Inguimbert V, Duzellier S, Pons C,
Crepel M, Tighe AP. Spectrometers results of
material exposure and degradation experiment
onboard International Space Station. Journal of
Spacecraft and Rockets. January 2011;48(1):38-

  1. doi: 10.2514/1.49443.


EuTEF-MEDET Tighe AP, Iwanovsky B, Van Eesbeck M,
Duzellier S. In-orbit measurement of the
Columbus Lab Vacuum Environment using the
MEDET pressure gauge. International
Symposium on Materials in the Space
Environment, Provence, France; 2009.


EuTEF-MEDET Tighe AP, Iwanovsky B, Van Eesbeck M, et al.
Overview of results from the Materials
Exposure and Degradation Experiment (MEDET)
after 18 months in orbit on the ISS. 11th
International Symposium on Materials in a
Space Environment. Provence, France;
September 15- 18 , 2009: 10.


EuTEF-MEDET Tighe AP, Van Eesbeck M, Duzellier S, et al.
Preliminary flight data from the materials
exposure and degradation experiment (MEDET).
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference:
Protection of Materials and Structures From
Space Environment, Toronto, Canada; 2009:
195 - 206.


ISSI Grugel RN, Luz P, Smith G, et al. Materials
research conducted aboard the International
Space Station: Facilities overview, operational
procedures, and experimental outcomes. Acta
Astronautica. 62 (2008):491–498.


ISSI Grugel RN, Cotton LJ, Segre PN, et al. The In-
Space Soldering Investigation (ISSI): Melting and
solidification experiments aboard the
International Space Station. 44th Aerospace
Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. Reno, NV; 2006.


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