ESD experiment support module
ESM Engelhard titanosilicate structure
ETS endotoxin unit
EU European Technology Exposure Facility-DEBris In Orbit Evaluator- 2
EuTEF-DEBIE- 2 European Technology Exposure Facility-Thermometer
EuTEMP European Technology Exposure Facility-Earth Viewing Camera
EuTEF-EVC European Technology Exposure Facility - Exposure Experiment - Adapt
EuTEF-Expose-Adapt European Technology Exposure Facility - Exposure Experiment - Life
EuTEF-Expose-Life European Technology Exposure Facility-^ Plasma^
European Technology Exposure Facility - Exposure Experiment-Protect
Protect European Technology Exposure Facility - Exposure Experiment – Seeds^
EuTEF-Expose-Seeds European Technology Exposure FacilityTime Resolved Measure of Atomic Oxygen -^ Flux (Phi) Probe Experiment -
EuTEF-FIPEX European Technology Exposure Facility-^ Flux (Phi) Probe Experiment-
Time Resolved Measure of Atomic Oxygen
European Technology Exposure Facility - Material Exposure and
Degradation ExperimenT
EuTEF-PLEGPAY European Technology Exposure Facility- Plasma Electron Gun Payload
eV electron volt
EVA extravehicular activity
EVARM EVA radiation monitoring
Expert Investigation of Early Symptoms of Microdestruction of Structures
andInstrument Modules in the Russian Segment of ISS
Expose-R-Amino Expose – R Photochemical Processing of Amino Acids in Earth Orbit
Expose-R-Endo Expose –^ R Screening of Ultra-Violet Radiation in Endothilic and
Microalgal Communities from Antartica
Expose-R-Organic Expose – R Evolution of Organic Matter in Space
Expose-R-Osmo Expose – R Exposure of Osmophilic Microbes to Space Environment
Expose-R-Photo Expose –^ R Photo DNA Photodamage: Measurements of Vacuum Solar
Radiation-induced DNA Damages Within Spores
Expose-R PUR
Expose – R Responses of Phage T7, Phage DNA and Polycrystalline
Uracilto the Space Environment
Expose-R R3DR Expose – R Radiation Risks Radiometer-Dosimeter
Expose-R Spores Expose – R Spores in Artificial Meteorites
Expose-R Subtil
Expose – R Mutational Spectra of Bacillus subtilis Spores and Plasmid
DNA Exposed to High Vacuum and Solar UV Radiation in the Space
EXPPCS ExPRESS Physics of Colloids in Space
ExPRESS Expedite the Processing of Experiments to Space Station