biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

FA ferulic acid
Facet Faceted Cellular Array Growth

Farma Research on the Particulars of Pharmacological Effects During Long-term
FC Flight Control
FCal Fence Calibration
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FDI Fluid Dynamics Investigation
FE Flight Experiment
FENO Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide

Ferulate Regulation by Gravity of Ferulate Formation in Cell Walls of Rice Seedlings

FFQ Food Frequency Questionnaire
FIR fluids integrated rack

Fish Scales

Investigation of the Osteoclastic and Osteoblastic Responses to
Microgravity Using Goldfish Scales

FIT Fungal Pathogenesis, Tumorigenesis, and Effects of Host Immunity in Space

5 - LOX 5 - lipoxygenase

Fizika-Obrazovaniye Scientific and Educational Demonstration of Physical Laws and
Phenomena in Microgravity
FLEX Flame Extinguishment Experiment
FLEX- 2 Flame Extinguishment Experiment - 2

FLOW Bone Cell Mechanosensitivity in Weightlessness
FLT flight
Flywheel Flywheel Exercise Device
FMVM Fluid Merging Viscosity Measurement
FOAM-Stability Foam Optics and Mechanics - Stability
FOB Forward Osmosis Bag
FOOT Foot/Ground Reaction Forces During Spaceflight
FORP fuel oxidizer reaction product
FPEF Fluid Physics Experiment Facility
FPDS Fire Prevention, Detection, and Suppression
FPMU floating potential measurement unit
FPP floating potential probe
FRTL5 Fischer Rat Thyroid Low Serum 5
FSB Fundamental Space Biology
FTSCE Forward Technology Solar Cell Experiment

Functional Task Test Physiological Factors Contributing to Postflight Changes in FunctionaPerformance l

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