biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

STES Single-locker Thermal Enclosure System


Space Technology Institute of the Vietnam Academy of Science and
STL space tissue loss


Sensor Test for Orion Relative Navigation Risk Mitigation Detailed Test
Objective 703
STP-H2 Space Test Program-H2
STP-H3 Space Test Program-H3
STRE Stress Response Element


Bone Marrow Stroma Cell Differentiation and Mesenchymal Tissue
Reconstruction in Microgravity

Subregional Bone Subregional Assessment of Bone Loss in the Axial Skeleton in LongSpaceflight - term

SUBSA Solidification Using Baffle in Sealed Ampoules
SUCCESS Space Station Utilization Contest Calls for European Student
SUIT Tactile Display-aided Orientation Awareness
Sv Sievert
SVR Systemic vascular resistance
SVS Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis in Space

SVV (^) subjective visual vertical
SWAB Surface, Water and Air Biocharacterization Characterization of Microorganisms and Allergens in Spacecraft-^ A Comprehensive
Sympatho, and - 2 Sympathoadrenal Activity in Humans During Spaceflight, and - 2
T threshold
TAGES Transgenic Arabidopsis Gene Expression System
TAS total analysis system
TCM tissue culture module
TCO transparent conductive oxide
TCS Thermal Control System
TCS Trajectory Control Sensor
TD theoretical density
TEB triethylbenzene
TEM Transport Environment Monitor
Developing a Procedure for Radiosounding of the Satellite Coverage
Area using a Network of Ground Receivers
Tenzor Telemetry Data-Based Determination of the Dynamic ISS Characteristics
TEPC tissue-equivalent proportional counter
TeSS temporary sleep station
Test Experimental Studies of the Possible Development of Microscopic
Deterioration of ISS RS Module Structural Elements when Impacted by

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