biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

USB universal serial bus
UTBI Under the Background Influence
UV ultraviolet
UVP Ultrasonic Velocity Profiler

VADER Variable emissivity radiator Aerogel insulation blanket dual zone thermal control Experiment suite for Responsive

Vaktsina-K Structural Research on Protein Candidates for an AIDS Vaccine in Earth
and Space Condition
Vascular Cardiovascular Health Consequences of Long-Duration Space Flight
VCAM Vehicle Cabin Atmosphere Monitor


Developing New Technologies for the Optimization of Gaseous
Environment in Living Compartments of the International Space Station
Russian Segment
Vektor-T Study of a High-Precision System for Predicting ISS Motion
VEE Venezuelan equine encephalitis
VEMPs vestibular evoked myogenic potentials
Vessel Imaging Vascular Echography
VG Vane Gap

Viable ISS

EValuatIon And Monitoring of MicroBiofiLms InsidE International Space
VIIP Vision Impairment and Intracranial Pressure
VINO Vine in Near Orbit
Visual Subjective

On the Contribution of Visceral Receptors to the Sense of Subjective
Vitamin D Effects of Microgravity on the Action of Vitamin D in Osteoblasts


Study of Cosmonauts' Capabilities when Performing Visual/Instrument
Observations and Test Tasks during the First Orbits and Days of Flight
VLE-I Video Lesson European Space Agency - I
VOA volatile organic analyzer


Observation, in the Near-IR Range of the Spectrum, of Wave
Disturbances in the Middle Atmosphere


Evaluation of Maximal Oxygen Uptake and Submaximal Estimates of
VO2max Before, During, and After Long Duration International Space
Station Missions
VPU vegetable production unit


Monitoring Seismic Effects—Bursts of High-Energy Particles in Near-
Earth Space
VTR video tape recorder
VZV Varicella zoster virus

Vzaimodeystviye (^) Monitoring Group Activity by Crewmembers During Spaceflight

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