ground controls regardless of
phosphate concentration or carbon
source. Results also show P.
aeruginosa forming column-and-
canopy shaped biofilms during
spaceflight and flagella-driven
motility plays a key role in the
formation of this unique structure,
where flagella are structures that
enable cells to move in liquids by
“swimming.” The findings indicate
that altered biofilm production
during spaceflight may have
detrimental impacts on long-term
spaceflight missions, where
increases in biofouling and
microbial-induced corrosion could have profound impacts on mission success. Furthermore, it is
important to explore the effects of such changes on human health through pathogenic and
beneficial interactions between humans and microbes during spaceflight (Kim 2013).
Kim W, Tengra FK, Young Z, et al. Spaceflight promotes biofilm formation by Pseudomonas
Aeruginosa. PLOS ONE. 2013;8(4):e62437. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0062437.
Kim W, Tengra FK, Shong J, et al. Effect of spaceflight on Pseudomonas aeruginosa final cell
density is modulated by nutrient and oxygen availability. BMC Microbiology. November 6,
2013;13:241. doi: 10.1186/1471-2180- 13 -241.
These investigations are complete; however additional results are pending publication.
Side view of a Group Activation Pack (GAP) containing eight Fluid
Processing Apparatuses each holding yeast cell cultures, growth
medium, and fixative for the U.S. sponsored GAP Yeast experiment
being conducted during Expedition 8.