biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Research Area: Microbiology
Expedition(s): 13 and 14
Principal Investigator(s): ● Michael S. Roberts, PhD, Dynamac Corporation, Cape
Canaveral, Florida

This experiment evaluates how exposure to space leads to genetic changes and variation using
model microbe cultures.

The research objective is to develop and
test passive observatories for
experimental microbial systems
(POEMS) for the long-term, multi-
generation monitoring of microbial
community development in isolated
biological systems such as humans on
long-term space missions. However, the
results of this study may be applicable
to other isolated biological systems
found on Earth, including those that
incorporate humans, such as cruise
ships and submarines. Results may also
provide insight into the mechanisms of
DNA repair and acquisition of
exogenous genetic information in
microorganisms, which is important to
understanding the spread of such
genetic-based traits as antibiotic

Extension of human habitation into space results in humans carrying with them the
microorganisms with which they coexist on Earth. This proposal seeks to develop simple,
ground-based experimental systems with low manpower, mass, volume, and energy
requirements that enable exploration of the ecology and evolution of microbiological
communities in the space environment. Given the potential for rapid change in populations of
microorganisms under space conditions, it is essential to the NASA mission to understand both
the mechanisms and consequences of microbial evolution in space. Just as on Earth, the
survival of humans on long-term missions is inextricably linked to their microbial companions.
Passive experimental microbial systems (POEMS) are an enabling technology to address
fundamental questions in the ecology and evolution of microbes in the insulated ecosystem of
the space environment.

Scanning Electron Micrograph of gram positive Bacillus subtilis
bacteria that is studied by the Passive Observatories for
Experiments Microbial Systems (POEMS) investigation.
POEMS looks for genetic changes that might occur in these
bacteria as a result of exposure to the space environment.
SCIMAT image.
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