Research Area: Plant Biology
Expedition(s): 2, 4 and 5
Principal Investigator(s): ● Weijia Zhou, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
Understanding the effects of gravity on plant life is essential in preparation for future
interplanetary exploration. The ability to produce high energy, low-mass food sources during
spaceflight enables the maintenance of crew health during long-duration missions while having
a reduced impact on resources necessary for long-distance travel. Additional applications of a
plant growth chamber include using plants as components of regenerative life support systems
for travel to the moon and Mars.
ADVASC contributes to National
Security, cancer-fighting
pharmaceuticals and
educational tools for students.
Bio-KES, a device that uses
ultraviolet light to convert
ethylene into carbon dioxide
and water, to remove the
ethylene from plant growth
chamber, can be used to kill
pathogens like anthrax. The
light, used to simulate
photosynthesis in the growth
chambers, heals wounds and
increases the effectiveness of
cancer-fighting drugs in vitro.
The Orbital Laboratory is an
Internet-based multimedia tool
that allowed students and educators to conduct their own ground-based plant experiments and
to analyze data returned from the ADVASC units in their classrooms on Earth.
ADVASC explores the benefits of using microgravity to create customized crops that withstand
disease and inhospitable conditions, resist pestilence, and need less space to grow. These
qualities benefit space explorers and earth inhabitants. Plant growth and development in
microgravity can provide a natural air and water filtration system and large-scale plant growth
systems. Furthermore, ADVASC is a precursor for growing plants during extended space
expeditions to the moon and Mars.
ISS004E8727 - Interior view of the Advanced Astroculture (ADVASC)
experiment plant growth chamber showing the emergence of mustard
seedlings. The ADVASC experiment is located in Expedite the
Processing of Experiments to the Space Station rack 4 in the Destiny
U.S. Laboratory during Expedition 4.