biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


The microgravity of space
is used to investigate and
clarify plant-related
phenomena that cannot be
studied in the presence of
gravity. The fundamental
knowledge gained through
these investigations can
aid in the understanding of
basic plant processes that
can eventually increase our
ability to better control
plant use on Earth in
agriculture (and other)

The fundamental
knowledge gained by growing plants under microgravity conditions can contribute to resolving
the following risks:

  • providing and maintaining biodegenerative life support systems

  • maintaining food quantity and quality

  • maintaining acceptable atmosphere

  • managing waste

  • providing and recovering potable water

The BRIC-16-Cytoskeleton experiment was carried into space on April 5, 2010, and returned
April 20, 2010, aboard orbiter Discovery on space shuttle mission STS-131 as part of the BRIC-16
suite of investigations. A total of 13 Petri Dish Fixation Unit (PDFU) samples were studied in
flight and on ground. These samples were allotted approximately 309 hours in total darkness to
grow in microgravity and then fixated for later observation. The primary focus of this
experiment is to focus on the changes in composition of the seedlings in microgravity. Seedling
morphology did not develop with any major discrepancies. With controlled temperatures,
averaging within 22-25°C, seedling germination between the ground and flight controls
remained comparable with 90.9% for the ground controls and 89.0% for the flight controls.
When comparing ground and flight experiments, both exhibited an etiolated appearance,
elongated hypocotyls, which is typical for plants grown in darkness.

The BRIC-16-Cytoskeleton experiment found 2 major differences of note between ground and
in flight samples. The first difference arose in the morphology found in the roots systems of the

Image of Biological Research in Canisters (BRIC) - 16 middeck payload
hardware and final packing of locker MR28K. BRIC Canister A-D, only A is fully
assembled. NASA image.
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