of the samples preserved with RNAlaterTM was greater than that of the samples preserved using
formalin. To carry out long-term studies aboard ISS, a fixative such as RNAlaterTM is needed to
maintain the integrity of samples at the varying temperatures that are experienced on ISS (Paul
The objective of PESTO was to determine what effects microgravity have on chloroplast
development, carbohydrate metabolism, and gene expression in the leaves of the plants grown
on the ISS. PESTO data indicated that microgravity alters leaf development, cell structure, and
chloroplast morphology but does not compromise the overall physical function of the plant
(Stutte 2006).
Stutte GW, Monje O, Hatfield RD, Paul A, Ferl RJ, Simone CG. Microgravity effects on leaf
morphology, cell structure, carbon metabolism, and mRNA expression of dwarf wheat. Planta.
2006;224(5):1038-1049. doi: 10.1007/s00425- 006 -0290-4.
Monje O, Stutte GW, Chapman DK. Microgravity does not alter plant stand gas exchange of
wheat at moderate light levels and saturating CO2 concentration. Planta. 2005;222(2):336-345.
doi: 10.1007/s00425- 005 -1529-1.
Paul A, Levine HG, McLamb W, et al. Plant molecular biology in the space station era: Utilization
of KSC fixation tubes with RNAlater. Acta Astronautica. 2005;56:623-628.
Stutte GW, Monje O, Goins GD, Tripathy BC. Microgravity effects on thylakoid, single leaf, and
whole canopy photosynthesis on dwarf wheat. Planta. 2005:1-11. doi: 10.1007/s00425- 005 -
0066 -2.
Frazier CM, Simpson JB, Roberts MS, et al. Bacterial and fungal communities in BPS chambers
and root modules. SAE Technical Paper. 2003;2003- 01 -2528. doi: 10.4271/2003-01-2528.
Stutte GW, Monje O, Anderson S. Wheat (Triticum Aesativum L. cv. USU Apogee) growth
onboard the International Space Station (ISS): Germination and early development. Plant
Growth Regulation Society of America, Miami Beach, FL; 2003 64-69.
Stutte GW, Monje O, Porterfield DM, Goins GD, Bingham GE. Farming in space: Environmental
and biochemical concerns. Advances in Space Research. 2003;31: 151-167.
This investigation is complete and all results are published.