Results from this investigation can help scientists to support the growth of plants on long-
duration space exploration missions, as well as improve agricultural methods on Earth.
Hoson T, Matsumoto S, Soga K, et al. Growth and cell wall properties in hypocotyls of
Arabidopsis tua6 mutant under microgravity conditions in space. Biological Sciences in Space.
2009;23(4):71-76. doi: 10.2187/bss.23.71.
Hoson T, Soga K, Wakabayashi K. Role of the cell wall-sustaining system in gravity resistance in
plants. Biological Sciences in Space. 2009;23(3):131-136. doi: 10.2187/bss.23.131.
Kamada M, Omori K, Nishitani K, et al. Germination and growth test in four strains of
Arabidopsis thaliana in the reference model of European Modular Cultivation System. Japan
Society of Microgravity Application. 2009;26(3):249-254.
Kamada M, Omori K, Yokoyama R, et al. Preparation and outline of space-based studies on
gravity responses and cell wall formation in plants. Biological Sciences in Space. 2009;23:115-
- doi: 10.2187/bss.21.56.
Wakabayashi K, Soga K, Hoson T. Modification of cell wall architecture in gramineous plants
under altered gravity condition. Biological Sciences in Space. 2009;23(3):137-142. doi:
Hoson T, Matsumoto S, Soga K, et al. The outline and significance of the resist wall experiment:
Role of microtubule-membrane-cell wall continuum in gravity resistance in plants. Biological
Sciences in Space. 2007;21(3):56-61. doi: 10.2187/bss.21.5610.2187/bss.21.56.
Kamada M, Omori K, Nishitani K, Hoson T, Shimazu T, Ishioka N. JAXA space plant research on
the ISS with European Modular Cultivation System. Biological Sciences in Space. 2007;21(3):62-
This investigation is complete and all results are published.