biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Research Area: Plant Biology
Expedition(s): 10 and 11
Principal Investigator(s): ● Valfredo Zolesi, PhD, Kayser Italia, Srl, Livorno, Italy

The aim of the Vine in Near Orbit (VINO)
experiment is to test the survival and
growth in space of tendril grafts from vines
coming from Sassicaia vineyards in Tuscany,
Italy. This scientific area has also received
more attention with the perspectives of
very long-duration orbital flights, in
particular, future human exploration of

The vine grafts were launched into orbit on
Soyuz TMA-6 in a pressure/vacuum proof
sealed metallic container to avoid any
environment contamination.

Once back on the Earth, at the end of the short-duration ENEIDE mission in 2005 (Soyuz
10S/Soyuz 9S exchange) tendrils were planted, to test their growth. These were compared to
equivalent plants that were treated in a similar fashion in parallel on the ground for reference
purposes. This showed no comparable difference in growth.

This investigation is complete; however additional results are pending publication.

Vine in Near Orbit experiment container. ESA image.
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