Expose – R Photochemical Processing of Amino Acids in Earth Orbit (Expose-R- Amino)
Research Area: Astrobiology
Expedition(s): 18- 26
Principal Investigator(s): ● Hervé Cottin, Universite Paris Diderot, Paris, France
The Expose-R facility hosts a suite of astrobiology experiments, some of which could help
understand how life originated on Earth. This suite of experiments are accommodated in 3
special sample trays, which are loaded with a variety of biological samples and exposed to the
harsh environment of open space for almost 2 years from March 2009-January 2011. Expose-R-
Amino studies the evolution of organic molecules subjected to solar UV radiation. The exposed
compounds belong to various chemical families (including amino acids, polymers, RNA) in the
solid state and also as gas mixtures simulating planetary atmospheres. The molecules selected
are relevant to the study of the organic chemistry at the surface or in the atmosphere of solar
system bodies.
Results from Expose-R-Amino, are
pending completion of analysis and data
evaluation before conclusive results are
prepared and published.
This investigation is complete; however
additional results are pending
ISS018E039266 – View of Expose-R as it is being set up
with Earth in the background.