biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Study of the Fluxes of Fast and Thermal Neutrons (BTN-Neytron), Six Investigations

Research Area: Astrophysics
Expeditions(s): 14-ongoing
Principal Investigator(s): ● Igor G. Mitrofanov, PhD, Institute of Space Research of the
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

The Study of the Fluxes of Fast and Thermal Neutrons
(BTN-Neytron), focuses on the spatial and temporal
distribution of neutron fluxes and spectra in near-Earth
space, including during solar flares. These investigations
help researchers to improve current in-orbit radiation
models and examine the complete radiation dose the
International Space Station (ISS) crew members receive
during EVAs.

Scintillators studied for their radiation-resistance
during the BTN-Neytron experiment are currently in
use in scientific equipment being created by Institute of
Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The results may be used to create models of the neutron radiation situation in near-Earth and
interplanetary manned space complexes.

The BTN-Neytron space experiment data accumulated between February 2007 through
November 2011, the spectra of neutron fluxes outside the ISS were experimentally assessed for
energies from the cadmium threshold of 0.4 eV to 10 MeV, which correlated well with the
results of other space experiments.

A map was created of the distribution of neutron fluxes for various energies on ISS orbit, which
indicated that the neutron fluxes on the station vary significantly depending on its geographic
position, which is particularly evident during flight over the South Atlantic magnetic anomaly

BTN-Neytron-Radiation ISS
Assessments were made of the dose accumulation rate outside the ISS pressurized
compartments from neutrons with energies from the cadmium threshold of 0.4 eV to 10 MeV,
which, depending on the geographic position of the ISS, vary from 0.2 mSv/hour (in the

Installation of the БТН-М1 on the exterior
of the Service Module, 2006. Roscosmos
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