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(やまだぃちぅ) #1

equatorial zone) to 5 mSv/hour (in the vicinity of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly
[SAMA]). These data were compared to data from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
investigation Bonner Ball Neutron Detector (BBND) and demonstrated close correspondence,
taking into account the differing levels of solar activity in these experiments.

BTN-Neytron-Ground Segment
Studies were performed on the degradation of crystals of prospective gamma scintillators, and
it was shown that lanthanum bromide (LaBr 3 [Ce]) and LaCl 3 (Ce) crystals are suitable for use in
future space applications, due to their low induced activity and minor degradation of
spectrometric properties.

BTN-Neytron-Earth and Mars
Experiments confirmed the effect of increased
neutron flux caused by increased galactic
cosmic ray fluxes in a period of declining solar
activity. The result obtained correlates well
with the results of measuring neutron fluxes in
Mars orbit and the network of neutron
monitors on Earth.

Recording of space gamma-ray bursts and
other transient phenomena (for example,
sources such as soft gamma repeaters) in the
gamma range has started.

Baranov DG, Gagarin YF, Dergachev VA, Nymmik RA, Panasyuk MI. Results of measuring the
fluxes of solar energetic particles and methods of their interpretation. Cosmic Research.
2011;49(6):469-476. doi: 10.1134/S0010952511060013.

Tretyakov VI, Fedosov F, Kozyrev AS, Litvak ML, Lyagushin VI. Space experiment BTN-Neutron
on Russian segment of International Space Station. 16th Workshops on Radiation Monitoring
for the International Space Station, Prague, Czech Republic; September 6-8, 2011.

Lyagushin VI, Kozyrev AS. Measurements of neutron environment inside and outside of ISS.
15th Workshop on Radiation Monitoring for the International Space Station, Monte Porzio
Catone, Italy; 2010.

Mitrofanov IG, Litvak ML, Tretyakov VI, Mokrousov MI, Malakhov AV, Vostrukhin AA. Neutron
components of radiation environment in the near-Earth and near-Mars space. Planetary and
Space Science. December 2009;57(14-15):193-195. doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2009.08.005.

Map of neutron flux distributions in the energy range
from 0.4 eV to 100 keV. The color scale shows the
neutron count rate. Roscosmos image.
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