biology and biotechnology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Baranov DG, Gagarin YF, Dergachev VA, Nymmik RA. AKL argon multiply charged ions existence
proof. RAS Transactions Physics. 2007;71(7):1011.

Platan-Cosmic Rays
Baranov DG, Dergachev VA, Nymmik RA, Yakubovsky EA, Gagarin YF. The cosmic ray heavy
nucleus recording inside the Earth’s magnetosphere: Experiment Platan. Geomagnetizm I
Aeronomiya (Geomagnetism and Aeronomy). 2004;44(6):1-8,771.

Baranov DG, Dergachev VA, Gagarin YF, et al. The high-energy heavy particle fluences in the
orbits of manned space station. Radiation Measurements. 2002;35:423-431. doi:

Baranov DG, Gagarin YF, Dergachev VA, Nymmik RA, Solovyev AV, Yakubovskii EA. Statute of
the Platan experiments on the manned space stations. RAS Transactions, Physics.

Baranov DG, Gagarin YF, Dergachev VA, Nymmik RA, Solovyev AV, Yakubovskii EA. Statute of
the Platan experiments on the manned space stations. 27th All-Russian Conference on Space
Radiation, 2002.

Baranov DG, Dergachev VA, Gagarin YF, Mottl DA, Nymmik RA. About the energy spectra of
solar energertic particle events heavy ions. 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference,
Hamburg, Germany; August 7-15, 2001:3181.

This investigation is complete and all results are published.

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